Biomedical Optics
Optical imaging provides a powerful platform to probe cardiovascular biology from the subcellular to whole-organ level. We have been very active in the development and application of novel optical techniques to image the heart. These include fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT), optical coherence tractography, fluorescence lifetime imaging and Cerenkov luminescence. Members of our faculty have also played leading roles in the development of intravital microscopy of the heart and catheter-based systems for intravascular fluorescence imaging. We have also played a prominent role in the use of optical forceps and lightsheet microscopy to study the structure and function of the heart.
Selected Papers
Panagia M, Chen HH, Croteau D, Iris Chen YC, Ran C, Luptak I, Josephson L, Colucci WS and Sosnovik DE. Multiplexed Optical Imaging of Energy Substrates Reveals That Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Is Associated With Brown Adipose Tissue Activation. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2018;11:e007007.
Yuan S and Brueckner M. Visualization and Manipulation of Cilia and Intraciliary Calcium in the Zebrafish Left-Right Organizer. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1454:123-47.
Goergen CJ, Chen HH, Sakadzic S, Srinivasan VJ and Sosnovik DE. Microstructural characterization of myocardial infarction with optical coherence tractography and two-photon microscopy. Physiol Rep. 2016;4.
Goergen CJ, Chen HH, Bogdanov A, Sosnovik DE and Kumar AT. In vivo fluorescence lifetime detection of an activatable probe in infarcted myocardium. J Biomed Opt. 2012;17:056001.
Sosnovik DE, Nahrendorf M, Deliolanis N, Novikov M, Aikawa E, Josephson L, Rosenzweig A, Weissleder R and Ntziachristos V. Fluorescence tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of myocardial macrophage infiltration in infarcted myocardium in vivo. Circulation. 2007;115:1384-91.