Medicinal Chemistry
Our efforts in synthetic chemistry span the range from small molecules to nanoparticles. Our zebrafish facility enables rapid screening of large chemical libraries and has led to the identification of several cardioprotective drugs. We have a long track record in the development of diagnostic pharmaceuticals including agents to detect apoptosis, mitochondrial membrane potential, cell free DNA, autophagy, inflammation and fatty acid metabolism.
Selected Papers
Panagia M, Yang J, Gale E, Wang H, Luptak I, Chen HH, Patel D, Croteau D, Pimentel DR, Bachschmid MM, Colucci WS, Ran C and Sosnovik DE. A novel tracer for in vivo optical imaging of fatty acid metabolism in the heart and brown adipose tissue. Sci Rep. 2020;10:11209.
Asnani A, Zheng B, Liu Y, Wang Y, Chen HH, Vohra A, Chi A, Cornella-Taracido I, Wang H, Johns DG, Sosnovik DE and Peterson RT. Highly potent visnagin derivatives inhibit Cyp1 and prevent doxorubicin cardiotoxicity. JCI Insight. 2018;3.
Yuan H, Cho H, Chen HH, Panagia M, Sosnovik DE and Josephson L. Fluorescent and radiolabeled triphenylphosphonium probes for imaging mitochondria. Chem Commun (Camb). 2013;49:10361-3.
Huang S, Chen HH, Yuan H, Dai G, Schuhle DT, Mekkaoui C, Ngoy S, Liao R, Caravan P, Josephson L and Sosnovik DE. Molecular MRI of acute necrosis with a novel DNA-binding gadolinium chelate: kinetics of cell death and clearance in infarcted myocardium. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2011;4:729-37. Sosnovik DE, Schellenberger EA, Nahrendorf M, Novikov MS, Matsui T, Dai G, Reynolds F, Grazette L, Rosenzweig A, Weissleder R and Josephson L. Magnetic resonance imaging of cardiomyocyte apoptosis with a novel magneto-optical nanoparticle. Magn Reson Med. 2005;54:718-24.